Seminars Standard Program

Design for Six Sigma Green Belt

Design for Six Sigma Green Belt

Quick Info

As a DFSS Green Belt, you will design new products and services that meet Six Sigma quality standards right from the start, thus helping to avoid long-term follow-up costs.

You will use tools and methods from the Design for Six Sigma toolset in your development work and master the standard statistical procedures.

These projects are carried out using the DMADV roadmap. You will gain certification by successfully completing a practical project from your company.

Duration on request
Dates on request


Seminars Standard Program

Lean Six Sigma Green Belt

Lean Six Sigma Green Belt

Quick Info

As a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, you specialize in the optimization of processes, such as the reduction of throughput times and inventories.

You will carry out departmental projects with high savings potential on a part-time basis. With the help of tools from statistics, project and quality management as well as lean methods, you will improve organizational processes and enhance their quality. You will support Black Belts and apply the DMAIC roadmap of Lean Six Sigma in a project.

Duration on request
Dates on request


Excellence Program Seminars

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt

Gold certified


As a Black Belt, you take on the role of project leader. You are the expert in solving complex problems in every part of the company. You work on projects with the highest savings potential while always keeping the company’s goals in mind.

You understand the Lean Six Sigma principles and the underlying philosophy, and you demonstrate that you can successfully lead cross-functional teams through the DMAIC process.

Quick Info

21 days + exam Incl. Shingo workshop Incl. individual coaching
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Black Belt - 2

Why not be part of the top 2%?

Achieve your goals with the Excellence Program!

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Management Seminare Kassel
Management Seminare für Führungskräfte
Management Seminare Persönlichkeitsentwicklung
Management Seminare Kassel
Management Seminare Deutschland
Excellence Program Seminars

Operational Excellence Manager

Operational Excellence Manager

Gold certified


Quick Info

The term Operational Excellence often encompasses Lean, quality management, and cultural change programs. As an Operational Excellence (OPEX) Manager, you primarily work at a strategic level, building a structure to align all processes within the company and across plants with the value stream and overall strategy.

In addition to Lean and Quality, you also consider strategies for maintenance, Six Sigma, and supply chain management. You serve as a link between departments, optimizing the interfaces.

Furthermore, you coordinate the entire continuous improvement process (CIP). The potential for improvement is enormous right from the introduction of OPEX, providing the company with a boost in innovation.

Duration on request
Dates on request


Black Belt - 5

Why not be part of the top 2%?

Achieve your goals with the Excellence Program!

Button - Discover Excellence
Management Seminare Kassel
Management Seminare für Führungskräfte
Management Seminare Persönlichkeitsentwicklung
Management Seminare Kassel
Management Seminare Deutschland
Excellence Program Seminars

Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt

Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt

Gold certified


Quick Info

The Master Black Belt (MBB) is the highest level of training in our
in our program. As an MBB, you support top management as a consultant and coach. You implement Lean Six Sigma programs and OPEX initiatives successfully and quickly in practice. You will help to identify projects and support them until the results are validated. You will use your knowledge to train specialists and managers to become experts.
You support the company in achieving its strategic goals by taking on complex tasks and simplifying processes in a structured manner. You will be able to manage all projects using statistical methods, change management and process management within the company.

Duration on request
Dates on request


Black Belt - 8

Why not be part of the top 2%?

Achieve your goals with the Excellence Program!

Button - Discover Excellence
Management Seminare Kassel
Management Seminare für Führungskräfte
Management Seminare Persönlichkeitsentwicklung
Management Seminare Kassel
Management Seminare Deutschland
Glossar - Englisch

Cp & CpK

Cp and CpK are process capability indices used to measure and analyze process capability. These are metrics related to continuous characteristics. The Cp value indicates the ratio of the tolerance width to the process spread (process range) or the potential process capability assuming exact centering within the tolerance window. It is calculated by dividing the difference between the upper and lower tolerance limits by the process range. The Cpk value focuses on precision and accuracy. It is the result of dividing the distance between the process mean and the nearest tolerance limit by half the width of the process range.

Glossar - Englisch


The 5S workplace organization is an important method of Lean Management. It is a systematic approach to maintaining an efficient, safe and clean workspace.5S was developed by Toyota in Japan. The tool can be applied in all areas of production and services.

Glossar - Englisch


Kanban is a method from Lean Managementused to control material flow. Cards regulate the material. Kanban (Japanese: Kan = signal, Ban = card).

Glossar - Englisch

Standard Operating Procedure

A procedure instruction is a document from quality management that lists the individual activities or processes that make up a procedure in an orderly sequence. Procedure instructions are required by standards. The scope and depth of documentation, as well as the format (paper or electronic), depend on the size and structure of the organization. Procedure instructions are, like the QM manual, an important element of QM documentation.They clearly present all the sub-activities necessary for carrying out a procedure. They detail who is responsible for the tasks or what skills are required, but exclude details such as key figures. Additionally, they are designed for cross-departmental and cross-location application. In contrast, work instructions provide all the necessary information for executing a single task, such as timing, location, and procedure. Therefore, these documents should be differentiated from one another. Possible contents of procedure instructions may include descriptions such as purpose, scope, responsibilities, definitions, procedures, and related documents.

Glossar - Englisch

Value Stream Mapping (VSM)

Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is a Six Sigma method used to align the process with customer demand (takt time). Optimization potentials are derived from the VSM.

All process steps required to produce the final product from raw materials are recorded. The material flow is considered backward, from the customer to the supplier. Through simple visualization, you can quickly see the most important aspects of your manufacturing process. The value stream design is developed from the value stream analysis as a vision.

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