Terms and conditions

Alphadi Deutschland GmbH is a provider of consulting services and a specialist for management seminars in areas such as Lean Six Sigma, Sales Excellence, Business Excellence, Project Management and Quality Management. These services are provided exclusively on the basis of the following conditions of participation.


Registrations for open seminars are handled via a registration form. Each registration is usually confirmed by Alphadi Deutschland GmbH by e-mail. Participation is binding at the latest with this confirmation from Alphadi Deutschland GmbH. By registering, the conditions of participation (GTC) of Alphadi Deutschland GmbH are recognized. Services or seminars offered can be ordered by e-mail within the specified offer validity period.

Cancellation fee regulation for order cancellation

If the customer cancels an order, the following cancellation conditions apply:

  • Up to one week before the start of the order, 75% of the costs are due as compensation.
  • Up to two weeks before the start of the order, 50% of the costs are due as compensation
  • Up to four weeks before the start of the order, 20% of the costs are due as compensation.

The prices apply according to the offer.

All other costs in relation to the participation in a seminar, such as travel, catering and accommodation costs, are to be covered by the customer.

Partial participation in seminars only entitles the customer to a reduction in fees in agreement with Alphadi Deutschland GmbH. Prices are subject to VAT at the applicable rate, unless VAT is already included in the price stated in the price list.

For in-house events, unless otherwise stated in the offer, travel and accommodation costs will be invoiced according to actual expenditure after the event.

Terms of payment for seminar participation

Seminar fees are due no later than 14 days after invoicing or, in the case of bookings made at short notice, no later than the start of the seminar. If payment is not received on time, Alphadi® Deutschland GmbH is entitled to exclude seminar participants from participation.

Right of withdrawal and termination

The booking can be canceled by Alphadi Deutschland GmbH up to 7 calendar days before the start of the seminar at the latest if:

a) a low number of participants does not allow the event to be held economically or

b) if one or more speakers are unable to attend, e.g. due to illness.

If the seminar is canceled by Alphadi Deutschland GmbH, the seminar fee will be refunded; any further claims by the participant are excluded.

The customer may cancel the booking in writing no later than 14 calendar days before the start of the training course. For the termination to be effective, Alphadi Deutschland GmbH must receive written notice of termination no later than 14 calendar days before the start of the seminar.

If the customer does not take part in a booked seminar without giving notice at least 14 calendar days before the start of the seminar and without possibly rebooking the seminar up to 14 calendar days before the start, the customer must pay 75% of the seminar fee as compensation.

If the customer is unable to attend a seminar and informs Alphadi Deutschland GmbH of this in writing no later than 14 calendar days before the start of the training course, the customer has the option of rebooking the booked event for a new date.

Instead of terminating the contract, the customer is granted the right to provide a replacement person to attend the booked and confirmed event at no extra cost, provided that this person fulfills the admission requirements. If the new participant does not take part in the booked event, 75% of the seminar fee shall be due as compensation for the person registering.

Protection of speakers

Alphadi Deutschland GmbH reserves the right to use substitute speakers for all seminars, to slightly modify the content and to postpone dates and locations (with sufficient advance notice). If the customer is unable to attend the event due to a postponement, they have the right to rebook to a new date for the same seminar, irrespective of any rebookings already made.

Rights to seminar materials and software

Alphadi Deutschland GmbH reserves all rights to the event documents and the training software. Without the prior permission of Alphadi Deutschland GmbH, any reproduction/duplication of event documents and the training software, including extracts, in any form (photocopy, microfilm, using electronic systems or other processes), in particular for the purposes of your own course design, is prohibited. In addition, the provisions of copyright law, criminal law, etc. apply. Any misuse of the software or hardware provided as part of a device-based seminar may lead to claims for damages on the part of Alphadi Deutschland GmbH or third parties.


Alphadi Deutschland GmbH is only obliged to compensate for damages, regardless of the legal grounds, insofar as

a) the damage is due to gross negligence or intent on the part of Alphadi Deutschland GmbH;
b) the Product Liability Act provides for mandatory liability.

Alphadi Deutschland GmbH is not liable to participants for accidents or loss of or damage to their property at events held on third-party premises or property. Alphadi Deutschland GmbH does not accept any claims for damages that may arise from viruses on copied data carriers. This also applies to public domain software.

Unless otherwise stated in the above subsections, any liability on the part of Alphadi Deutschland GmbH is excluded, regardless of the legal grounds.

Each participant is responsible for his or her own physical and mental fitness for the respective event. They undertake to observe all instructions. Liability for impairments of any kind as a result of a participant's lack of suitability or failure to follow instructions is expressly excluded to the extent permitted by law.

Prior knowledge

Alphadi Deutschland GmbH reserves the right to update the seminar content and to change dates and venues if necessary. In this case, the seminar participant will be informed in good time.

Deviation in implementation

Alphadi Deutschland GmbH reserves the right to update the seminar content and to change dates and venues if necessary. In this case, the seminar participant will be informed in good time.

Exclusion from participation

If payment is not received on time, Alphadi Deutschland GmbH is entitled to exclude seminar participants from participation.

Certificate of attendance

Alphadi Deutschland GmbH issues a certificate of attendance for the seminar participant. This will be sent to the participant as a scan by e-mail after completion of the seminar. The prerequisite for issuing this certificate of attendance is full proof of participation in the seminar.

Data storage

By registering, the participant agrees to the automatic collection and processing of personal data for the purposes of the seminar and examination. Any subsequent revocation of this consent may result in exclusion from the seminar and/or examination.

As part of our activities as a training provider, we process personal data such as name, contact details and qualifications. The processing takes place exclusively on the basis of legal and contractual principles. We use the "Zoom" platform to conduct online lessons. Information on data processing can be found at: https://alphadi.org/datenschutz. Photographic recordings that are part of the exercises of educational measures are not made accessible to third parties at any time. After completion of the educational measure, all recordings made will be deleted, provided that there are no legal, statutory or contractual retention requirements to prevent deletion.


Additional or deviating agreements - including the waiver of this written form clause - must be made in writing.

The invalidity of individual provisions of this contract shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the contract.
The customer agrees to the processing of his personal data insofar as this is necessary for the fulfillment of the contract.