Shingo Workshop

Enterprise Alignment

This two-day workshop focuses on the leadership principles at the top level of the Shingo Model™—the purpose of the organization. Through practical on-site experiences at a host company, you will build on the knowledge and experiences from the DISCOVER EXCELLENCE workshop. Participants will dive deeper into the Shingo Model™ by focusing on the principles identified in the “Enterprise Alignment” dimension. To be successful, organizations must develop management systems that align behavior with principles. This alignment should be simple, comprehensive, actionable, and standardized. Creating value for the customer is ultimately achieved through the effective alignment of every value stream within an organization. The ENTERPRISE ALIGNMENT workshop continues the discussion on defining ideal behaviors and the systems that drive them.


  • The Shingo ModelTM
  • Enterprise ExcellenceTM
  • Think systemically
  • Secure the purpose
  • Create value for the customer
  • Workshop at the host company
Shingo Workshop

Continuous Improvement

This two- or three-day workshop at a host company delves into the principles of continuous improvement. Building on the experiences from the DISCOVER EXCELLENCE workshop, you will learn five leadership principles and be empowered to clearly define value from your customers’ perspective. This workshop is particularly suitable for employees in the areas of Continuous Improvement (CI), Lean Management, and Six Sigma, as well as project managers and/or leaders. The group will continue discussions on ideal behaviors, purpose, and behavioral benchmarks. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the Shingo Model™ by focusing on the “Continuous Improvement” dimension and its identified principles.


  • Seek perfection
  • Think scientifically
  • Focus on process
  • Ensure quality at the source
  • See flow and pull as value
  • Company assessment
Shingo Workshop

Cultural Enablers

This two-day workshop is conducted at a host company and builds on the knowledge and experiences from the DISCOVER EXCELLENCE and SYSTEMS DESIGN workshops. You will be introduced more deeply to the Shingo Model™. The principles of Cultural Enablers empower an organization’s employees to embark on the journey of transformation. They promote the understanding and development of a culture of organizational excellence. Organizational excellence cannot be achieved through top-down directives or the piecemeal implementation of tools; it requires broad engagement from all employees. The CULTURAL ENABLERS workshop helps you define ideal behaviors and the systems that drive these behaviors using behavior benchmarks.


  • Dimensions of Cultural Enablers
  • Behavior, systems, and principles
  • Key Behavior Indicators (KBIs)
  • Lead with humility
  • Respect every individual
  • Go and observe assessment
Shingo Workshop

Build Excellence

In this two-day final workshop, the insights and experiences from the previous five Shingo workshops are deepened. The BUILD EXCELLENCE workshop demonstrates the integrative application of systems that guide behavior toward the ideal—driven by the principles of the Shingo Model™. The workshop helps develop a structured approach to conducting cultural transformation, building on the foundation of established leadership principles. Workshop participants will learn how to build systems that promote behaviors that consistently deliver desired results. Experience how the Shingo Model™ supports the implementation of your business strategy. Elevate your organizational culture to the next level, aligned with your business objectives.


  • Implementing an organizational culture
  • Strengthening strategy through the Shingo Model™
  • Accelerating cultural change
  • Ensuring sustainability
Shingo Workshop

Systems Design

This two-day workshop integrates practical instruction with on-site experience at a host company. Building on the knowledge and experiences from the DISCOVER EXCELLENCE workshop, it focuses on the “Systems” diamond in the Shingo Model™. We begin by explaining why all work in an organization is the result of a system and how systems must be designed to achieve a specific goal. Otherwise, systems will develop on their own. Systems drive the behavior of people. Variations in behavior lead to variations in results. Organizational excellence requires well-designed systems to promote the ideal behaviors necessary to achieve sustainable results.


  • The three most important systems
  • The five key communication tools
  • Creating system maps
  • Using system standard work
  • Driving improvements
Shingo Workshop

Discover Excellence

In this two-day workshop, the fundamentals of the Shingo Model™, the Shingo Leadership Principles, and the three perspectives on Enterprise Excellence™ are introduced. Through open discussions and active learning at the host company, insights are immediately applied from theory to practice. There is active knowledge exchange among all participants, highlighting how to unlock an organization’s hidden potential to achieve Enterprise Excellence™. The DISCOVER EXCELLENCE workshop is a prerequisite for participating in all other workshops.


  • Introduction to the Shingo Model™
  • The three perspectives on Organizational Excellence
  • How leadership principles promote ideal behavior
  • Achieving sustainable, long-term results
  • On-site learning at the company