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Portfolio Management (PM)

Companies must continuously adapt and undergo transformation, meaning that the pace of project management is constantly increasing. This transformation involves managing the entire Portfolio of projects within an organization. Over the past decades, comprehensive programs have been developed to manage this task, such as Portfolio management, project management and program management. The primary goal of all these programs is to achieve objectives. The challenge is that often all projects are considered high priority, which makes it difficult for most companies to successfully implement a cohesive overall strategy.

Implement Project Management (PM) as an organization-wide initiative (PMO), not just as a tool or program. Leaders, managers, and associates need knowledge of methodologies and systems. PMO means not being merely a part of a model or just managing resources, tools, dashboards, and projects. Understanding and measuring the current culture through Shingo should be an integral part of this modern organization from the start.

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The PDCA Cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act) is a four-step continuous improvement process for identifying and solving problems.Der PDCA Cycle is a loop for continuous problem-solving. Through incremental steps, the outcome is progressively improved. PDCA is often used in quality management and Lean Six Sigma.

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Poka Yoke

Poka Yoke is a method developed by Shigeo Shingō to identify and completely eliminate random, preventable errors. Poka Yoke is a concept within the zero-defects strategy. Poka Yoke is a preventive method to prevent errors. It aims to reduce errors completely or partially.

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PCE (Process Cycle Efficiency) is a Lean metric that indicates the percentage of value-added time in a process, reflecting its efficiency. The higher the value, the more efficient the process is. PCE helps identify improvement opportunities and the proportion of non-value-added activities that need to be addressed through projects. To calculate PCE a process is divided into value-added time (VAT) and non-value-added time (NVAT). The cycle time for each activity is estimated, and the values are summed separately for VAT and NVAT. PCE is calculated by dividing the value-added time by the total cycle time of the process and multiplying the result by 100. By determining a PCE value you establish a baseline for efficiency, which can be used for further analysis. After completing a project, a before-and-after comparison can be performed.

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Pareto Analysis

The Pareto diagram oder Pareto principle is based on the assumption that 80% of problems are caused by 20% of potential causes, or that approximately 80% of negative impacts can be eliminated with 20% of the effort. The Pareto principle is used to identify and analyze problems with the goal of recognizing the factors with the greatest impact and developing corrective actions to address them. Data and facts are collected over a specified period, categorized by importance, organized, and then presented in a bar chart, starting with the largest single value. An ABC analysis is then used to establish priorities for further action.

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OPEX or Operational Excellence represents the pursuit of cost leadership for a product in the market. It consistently aligns with the company’s strategy and is a core component of its vision and mission. By breaking down breakthrough goals and actions, these can be addressed and implemented effectively. The measures supporting a company’s strategy can be developed using a roadmap design. This involves not only creating a roadmap for Lean Management but also considering and developing it in conjunction with corporate or site development. This approach optimizes interfaces within the PMO (Portfolio Management) and ensures consistent execution. It quickly reveals costs and their benefits, along with a corresponding implementation plan detailing the necessary resources and capabilities.

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Network Diagram

The Network diagram, one of the seven management tools in project management, is a technique for representing processes or their individual steps, as well as for analyzing, controlling and scheduling projects. It makes possible buffers visible and identifies the critical path, which allows no delays. The Network diagram consists of all project-relevant activities, which are grouped and ordered in the sequence of their execution. For each activity, the earliest possible start and end times are calculated based on its duration. Subsequently, backward from the last activity, the latest possible start and end times are derived.

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OEE is a metric from Lean Management used to measure the effectiveness of a process or machine and to identify areas for improvement.

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Mura, or unevenness, refers to fluctuations or imbalances in a process or production. These fluctuations can affect various aspects, such as uneven workloads, demand variability, or production interruptions. Mura can lead to inefficient operations, overburdening of resources, and quality degradation. The goal of eliminating Mura is to create a consistent and stable work environment to ensure smooth production and consistent quality.

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Muri, or overburden, refers to the strain on resources or personnel beyond their capacity limits. This can lead to excessive stress, errors, accidents and a decline in quality. Muri occurs when work schedules or processes are unrealistic or when resources are not properly planned or utilized. The goal of eliminating Muri is to ensure a balanced workload, use capacities effectively and avoid situations of overburden.