Excellence Programm Seminars

Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt

Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt

Gold certified


Quick Info

The Master Black Belt (MBB) is the highest level of training in our
in our program. As an MBB, you support top management as a consultant and coach. You implement Lean Six Sigma programs and OPEX initiatives successfully and quickly in practice. You will help to identify projects and support them until the results are validated. You will use your knowledge to train specialists and managers to become experts.
You support the company in achieving its strategic goals by taking on complex tasks and simplifying processes in a structured manner. You will be able to manage all projects using statistical methods, change management and process management within the company.

Dauer auf Anfrage
Master Black Belt - 2
Termine auf Anfrage
Master Black Belt - 4
Master Black Belt - 6


Master Black Belt - 8

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Key information

The Master Black Belt’s high level of expertise in Lean Six Sigma and OPEX enables the efficient implementation of strategic initiatives and the achievement of sustainable results.
As a consultant and coach for top management, the Master Black Belt makes a significant contribution to the strategic direction of the company. The ability to train specialists and managers promotes the company’s internal skills development and creates a culture of continuous improvement.
The Master Black Belt’s comprehensive skills in statistical methods, change management and process management enable the successful management and implementation of complex projects.
Overall, the Master Black Belt certification offers a valuable opportunity to acquire in-depth knowledge and skills in process optimization and strategic business development and to put them effectively into practice.

Excellence Programm Seminars

Operational Excellence Manager

Operational Excellence Manager

Gold certified


Quick Info

The term Operational Excellence often encompasses Lean, quality management, and cultural change programs. As an Operational Excellence (OPEX) Manager, you primarily work at a strategic level, building a structure to align all processes within the company and across plants with the value stream and overall strategy.

In addition to Lean and Quality, you also consider strategies for maintenance, Six Sigma, and supply chain management. You serve as a link between departments, optimizing the interfaces.

Furthermore, you coordinate the entire continuous improvement process (CIP). The potential for improvement is enormous right from the introduction of OPEX, providing the company with a boost in innovation.

Dauer auf Anfrage
Master Black Belt - 11
Termine auf Anfrage
Master Black Belt - 13
Master Black Belt - 15


Master Black Belt - 17

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Management Seminare Deutschland

Key information

The role of the OPEX Manager offers numerous advantages. Through your strategic orientation and holistic approach, you can achieve significant efficiency gains and cost reductions throughout the company. The focus on the value stream and alignment of all processes with the overall strategy leads to better resource utilization and higher productivity.

Your ability to act as a link between departments fosters collaboration and reduces silo thinking, resulting in better integration and optimization of interfaces.

By applying data-driven decision-making and continuous process improvements, you contribute to sustainable success and long-term competitiveness for the company. The coordination of the continuous improvement process (CIP) and the implementation of OPEX strategies bring significant potential for innovation and improvement that drive the company forward.

However, there are also challenges and risks associated with the role of an OPEX Manager. The implementation of OPEX requires close collaboration with various departments and levels within the company, placing high demands on your communication and leadership skills.

Resistance to change and new methods can be a significant obstacle, as employees and leaders may be skeptical of the proposed changes. The holistic consideration and optimization of all processes and systems is a complex task that requires extensive knowledge and experience.

Without sufficient support and resources, OPEX initiatives could stall or fail to deliver the desired results. Continuous monitoring and adjustment of implemented strategies are necessary to ensure their sustainability and success. A lack of follow-up could result in improvements not being maintained over time.

Overall, the position of the OPEX Manager offers a valuable opportunity to acquire deep knowledge and skills in strategic business development and process optimization and to apply them effectively in practice.

With the right support and a clear focus on continuous improvement, the methods learned can lead to significant and sustainable successes for the company.

Excellence Programm Seminars

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt

Gold certified


As a Black Belt, you take on the role of project leader. You are the expert in solving complex problems in every part of the company. You work on projects with the highest savings potential while always keeping the company’s goals in mind.

You understand the Lean Six Sigma principles and the underlying philosophy, and you demonstrate that you can successfully lead cross-functional teams through the DMAIC process.

Quick Info

Dauer auf Anfrage
Master Black Belt - 20
Termine auf Anfrage
Master Black Belt - 22
Master Black Belt - 24


Master Black Belt - 26

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Management Seminare für Führungskräfte
Management Seminare Persönlichkeitsentwicklung
Management Seminare Kassel
Management Seminare Deutschland

Key information

Through your expertise and skills in Lean Six Sigma, you can achieve significant process improvements and the highest cost savings. Your expertise enables you to systematically analyze complex problems and develop sustainable solutions. A Black Belt leads complex projects that require a very high level of commitment.

Black Belts are often faced with high expectations as they are seen as experts in process improvement and quality management. This can lead to considerable pressure. The implementation of process improvements can lead to conflicts with other departments that may not share the same goals or priorities.

Employees may resist changes proposed by Black Belts, making the implementation of improvement projects more difficult. Often, Black Belts attempt to implement projects without sufficient support or coaching, which can cause them to stall or fail to deliver the desired results.

To stay up to date, Black Belts must continuously learn new techniques and methods. Black Belts are expected to possess not only technical expertise but also strong communication and change management skills.

Overall, the Black Belt certification offers a valuable opportunity to acquire deep knowledge and skills in process optimization and to apply them effectively in practice.

Excellence Programm Seminars

Lean Six Sigma Green Belt

Lean Six Sigma Green Belt

Quick Info

As a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, you specialize in the optimization of processes, such as the reduction of throughput times and inventories.

You will carry out departmental projects with high savings potential on a part-time basis. With the help of tools from statistics, project and quality management as well as lean methods, you will improve organizational processes and enhance their quality. You will support Black Belts and apply the DMAIC roadmap of Lean Six Sigma in a project.

Dauer auf Anfrage
Master Black Belt - 28
Termine auf Anfrage
Master Black Belt - 30
Master Black Belt - 32


Key information

By applying advanced statistical tools and Lean and Six Sigma methods, Green Belts can analyze and optimize complex processes, resulting in significant cost savings and efficiency gains within the department.

Green Belt certification also promotes professional development and qualifies for more challenging roles within the organization. Green Belts gain in-depth knowledge in the application of the DMAIC roadmap, which enables structured and methodical problem solving and sustainable improvements. This helps to improve the quality of organizational processes, leading to higher customer satisfaction and better product quality.

However, running projects part-time can be an additional workload and requires a high level of time management and prioritization. Without sufficient support, projects may stall or fail to deliver the desired results.

The use of advanced statistical tools requires in-depth knowledge and can lead to misinterpretation and ineffective solutions if insufficient training is provided. Overall, Green Belt certification provides a valuable opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge and skills in process optimization and put them into practice.

Excellence Programm Seminars

Design for Six Sigma Green Belt

Design for Six Sigma Green Belt

Quick Info

As a DFSS Green Belt, you will design new products and services that meet Six Sigma quality standards right from the start, thus helping to avoid long-term follow-up costs.

You will use tools and methods from the Design for Six Sigma toolset in your development work and master the standard statistical procedures.

These projects are carried out using the DMADV roadmap. You will gain certification by successfully completing a practical project from your company.

Dauer auf Anfrage
Master Black Belt - 34
Termine auf Anfrage
Master Black Belt - 36
Master Black Belt - 38


Key information

The role of a DFSS (Design for Six Sigma) Green Belt offers numerous advantages. By applying the DMADV roadmap, new products and services can be developed that are of high quality right from the start. This significantly reduces errors and defects in later phases. This helps to avoid long-term follow-up costs and increases customer satisfaction.

The mastery of standard statistical procedures and DFSS methods enables the DFSS Green Belt to analyze and optimize development processes in a well-founded manner.

The application of complex statistical methods and tools requires in-depth knowledge and experience, which can lead to errors and ineffective solutions if insufficient training is provided. DFSS projects are often time-consuming and resource-intensive.
Overall, DFSS Green Belt certification provides a valuable opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge and skills in developing high quality products and services and putting them into practice.

Excellence Programm Seminars

Project Manager Hybrid

Project Manager Hybrid

The Project Manager – Hybrid combines classic, agile and Lean Six Sigma methods as well as Design Thinking in an overall concept.

Although the methods take different approaches, they can be combined effectively. Lean Six Sigma (LSS) optimizes processes and products and reduces waste.

SCRUM offers an effective framework for the iterative implementation of projects, while PMI provides comprehensive project management that is also easily scalable. By using analytical and classic tools, you develop a suitable strategy to implement project management in your company in a sustainable way.

Quick Info

Dauer auf Anfrage
Master Black Belt - 40
Termine auf Anfrage
Master Black Belt - 42
Master Black Belt - 44


Key information

By using analytical and classic tools, you will develop a suitable strategy to implement and manage project management in your company in a sustainable manner. The combination of these methods makes it possible to use the strengths of each approach and minimize the weaknesses.

Lean Six Sigma ensures that processes are lean and error-free, which increases efficiency and quality. Scrum promotes flexibility and rapid adaptation to change, while PMI ensures structured and comprehensive project planning.

The hybrid approach offers numerous advantages. The integration of Lean Six Sigma, Scrum and PMI enables a holistic view of project management, saves costs and improves the quality of project management. Structured planning and control ensures that projects stay on time and within budget, leading to greater stakeholder satisfaction.

The integration of different methods requires a deep understanding of each approach and can be complex and time-consuming at first. There is a risk that the implementation will be ineffective if the methods are not properly aligned.

Overall, the project manager hybrid offers a valuable opportunity to combine the benefits of classic, agile and Lean Six Sigma methods and thus make projects more efficient and successful.

Excellence Programm Seminars

Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt

Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt

Quick Info

The Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt seminar provides you with an introduction to the Lean Six Sigma methodology. You will learn to apply basic tools from the DMAIC roadmap to optimize your work area.

As a specialist or manager, you play a key role in embedding Lean Six Sigma into the company culture. With short project durations, Yellow Belt projects ensure rapid improvements, primarily in process optimization. These methods are seamlessly integrated into your daily routine to foster continuous improvements.

Dauer auf Anfrage
Master Black Belt - 46
Termine auf Anfrage
Master Black Belt - 48
Master Black Belt - 50


Key information

By applying the tools learned, work processes can be designed more efficiently and resources can be used optimally. The short duration of Yellow Belt projects makes it possible to achieve visible improvements quickly, which increases motivation and acceptance within the team. Participants also acquire valuable skills and knowledge that strengthen their problem-solving abilities.
Yellow Belts are good multipliers in the company, as they can reach a wide range of employees through this seminar and effectively pass on the knowledge they have learned. This helps to spread the Lean Six Sigma methods and promotes a culture of continuous improvement.
Implementing the new methods requires time and commitment, which can slightly increase the regular workload.
Overall, the Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt seminar provides a valuable opportunity to learn fundamental principles and tools for process improvement and effectively put them into practice.

Seminars Excellence Programm

Operational Excellence Manager

Operational Excellence Manager

Gold certified


Quick Info

Hinter dem Begriff Operational Excellence finden sich oftmals Lean-, Qualitätsmanagement- und Kultur-Veränderungsprogramme. Als Operational Excellence (OPEX) Manager arbeiten Sie hauptsächlich strategisch und bauen eine Struktur auf, um alle Prozesse im Unternehmen und werksübergreifend auf den Wertstrom und die Gesamtstrategie auszurichten. 

Neben Lean und Quality betrachten Sie auch die Strategien zur Instandhaltung, Six Sigma und das Supply Chain Management. Sie sind ein Bindeglied zwischen Abteilungen und optimieren die Schnittstellen. 

Weiterhin koordinieren Sie den gesamten KVP-Prozess. Die Verbesserungspotenziale sind bereits bei der Einführung von OPEX enorm. Das Unternehmen erhält einen Innovationsschub.

Dauer auf Anfrage
Master Black Belt - 53
Termine auf Anfrage
Master Black Belt - 55
Master Black Belt - 57


Master Black Belt - 59

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Management Seminare Deutschland


Die Rolle des OPEX Managers bietet zahlreiche Vorteile. Durch Ihre strategische Ausrichtung und den ganzheitlichen Ansatz können Sie erhebliche Effizienzsteigerungen und Kostensenkungen im gesamten Unternehmen erzielen. Die Fokussierung auf den Wertstrom und die Ausrichtung aller Prozesse auf die Gesamtstrategie führt zu einer besseren Nutzung der Ressourcen und einer höheren Produktivität.

Ihre Fähigkeit, als Bindeglied zwischen Abteilungen zu fungieren, fördert die Zusammenarbeit und reduziert Silodenken, was zu einer besseren Integration und Optimierung der Schnittstellen führt.

Durch die Anwendung zahlenbasierter Entscheidungen und fortlaufender Prozessverbesserungen tragen Sie zu nachhaltigem Erfolg und langfristiger Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Unternehmens bei. Die Koordination des KVP-Prozesses und die Implementierung von OPEX-Strategien bringen bedeutende Innovations- und Verbesserungspotenziale mit sich, die das Unternehmen voranbringen.

Jedoch gibt es auch Herausforderungen und Risiken im Zusammenhang mit der Rolle eines OPEX Managers. Die Implementierung von OPEX erfordert eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen Abteilungen und Ebenen im Unternehmen, was hohe Anforderungen an Ihre Kommunikations- und Führungsfähigkeiten stellt.

Widerstand gegen Veränderungen und neue Methoden kann eine signifikante Hürde darstellen, da Mitarbeiter und Führungskräfte möglicherweise skeptisch gegenüber den vorgeschlagenen Änderungen sind. Die ganzheitliche Betrachtung und Optimierung aller Prozesse und Systeme ist eine komplexe Aufgabe, die umfassende Kenntnisse und Erfahrung erfordert.

Ohne ausreichende Unterstützung und Ressourcen könnten OPEX-Initiativen ins Stocken geraten oder nicht die gewünschten Ergebnisse liefern. Die kontinuierliche Überwachung und Anpassung der implementierten Strategien ist notwendig, um deren Nachhaltigkeit und Erfolg zu gewährleisten. Eine mangelnde Nachverfolgung könnte dazu führen, dass erzielte Verbesserungen nicht dauerhaft sind.

Insgesamt bietet die Position des OPEX Managers eine wertvolle Gelegenheit, tiefgehende Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten in der strategischen Unternehmensentwicklung und Prozessoptimierung zu erwerben und diese effektiv in die Praxis umzusetzen.

Mit der richtigen Unterstützung und einem klaren Fokus auf kontinuierliche Verbesserung können die erlernten Methoden zu signifikanten und nachhaltigen Erfolgen im Unternehmen führen.

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