5S Workshop

In german

The 5S or 6S workplace organization is one of the most important methods of lean management.
It is a systematic approach to maintaining an efficient, safe and clean workplace. Ideally with minimal search times. Continuous improvement in companies starts small and then turns into big improvements. 5S or 6S is divided into 5 or 6 steps, allowing areas to be redesigned step by step. In addition to the benefits of organized workplaces, you also gain more space and reduce errors in processes.

Quick Info


  • Introduction to 5S / 6S
  • The 5S cycle and activities
  • Stumbling blocks
  • 5S as a system in the company
  • Workplace monitoring
  • Employee behavior
  • The red tag process
  • The 5S inspection list
  • The improvement list
  • Dealing with rejected parts
  • Visual control on the store floor
  • 5S in the company
  • Standards through check sheets
  • 5S feedback and audit process
  • 5S implementation roadmap
  • Gemba Walk, Kaizen Blitz
  • Benchmarking of a 5S system
  • Office, IT, Finance & Sales
Duration on request
Dates on request

Key information

The 5S method is an organizational and workplace design method that aims to optimize working environments, increase efficiency and improve safety in the workplace. The five S’s stand for sorting, systematization, cleanliness, standardization and self-discipline.

  1. Sorting (Seiri): Refers to sorting out and disposing of unnecessary items in the workplace in order to keep only what is necessary and reduce clutter. This helps to increase efficiency and improve workplace safety.
  2. Systematize (Seiton): Involves organizing and arranging the remaining items in the workplace to enable efficient working. Everything should have a fixed place and be easily accessible to minimize wasted time and unnecessary movement.
  3. Cleanliness (Seiso): Requires regular cleaning and maintenance of the workplace to create a clean and tidy environment. This not only contributes to aesthetic improvement, but also to safety and accident prevention.
  4. Standardization (Seiketsu): Aims to develop and implement standards and procedures to maintain the order and cleanliness achieved. This creates clarity and consistency in the workplace and facilitates continuous improvement.
  5. Self-discipline (Shitsuke): Emphasizes the importance of employee self-discipline and ownership to adhere to established standards and procedures. This requires training, motivation and continuous monitoring.

In summary, the 5S method promotes a cultured work environment that improves productivity, efficiency and safety in the workplace. It is used in various industries and organizations worldwide to optimize work processes and increase the quality of work.



  • Resistance to change
  • Time and resources required
  • Lack of long-term maintenance
  • Lack of adaptation to specific needs
  • Excessive standardization

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